Panda Girl

Wonder why PANDA GIRL is my title post for today's blog? The fact that those fluffy, chubby, and adorable little creature are one of my favorite animals. I melt when I see videos and pictures of them on the web. I cant resist on their cuteness, and I could not wait for next year to actually see a panda. HK Trip!

Look! I'm wearing a panda shirt. Haha. First time I saw this on a bazaar, I instantly fell in love with it and I was the happiest girl on that day. Finally I own one, actually two. I bought two colors. yay!

Anyway, this is what I wore yesterday for work. Yeah, you may see me dress everyday like that. I wanted to be comfortable every time when I work. I work on a BPO company, and I should be in corporate attire. I know, I should be following policies and all that but hey I'm a Graphic Artist and I can dress what I want.

After I went to the bank, I had to ask boyfriend to take outfit shots of me and had to ask him also to buy me a doughnut on a nearby MINISTOP.
*excuse my huge face and sorry for my messy hair

Spike Rainbow Bracelet: Style Chic Parade 
Studded Bracelet : Shop Siamese Sky

Blazer: Mom's closet (hehe)
Panda Top: Random Bazaar
Bandage Skirt & Glasses: Forever 21
Sneakers: Creative Recreation
Bag: Parisian

*Awkward pose. tssss

Borrowed the camera from a friend, cause my brother borrowed mine. Grrr

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